
Corrugated board test report

فنزويلا 340 طن من الورق المقوى المموج المجلفن والملون

The twists and turns of the project The color coated corrugated board is one of the main products of our company. Venezuelan customers do not directly contact our company’s customers. This customer contacted our company through a freight forwarding introduction. Among them, there is a relatively important middleman. He is Manager Li of Luoyang Steel […]

فنزويلا 340 طن من الورق المقوى المموج المجلفن والملون قراءة المزيد »

Binding Technology Of Column Reinforcement

Column Reinforcement Lashing Technique 1. Column reinforcement Process flow: Connection of vertical load-bearing bars → drawing of stirrup spacing line → setting column stirrup → binding stirrup 2. The connection mode of stress-bearing reinforcement must meet the design requirements. 3. Draw the stirrup spacing line: On the vertical reinforcement of the column, mark the stirrup

Binding Technology Of Column Reinforcement قراءة المزيد »
