
Coated metal

Galvanized Products

Galvanized refers to GI iron. Galvanization or galvanizing is the process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron, to prevent rusting.

gi coil

GI Steel Coil

Galvalume Products

Galvalume is a coating containing zinc, aluminum, and silicon that is used to prevent a metal (primarily steel) from oxidation.

gl steel coil coated metal

GL Coil

gl steel sheet

GL Sheet

Other Steel

Wanzhi Steel also produces Aluminum Coil, Stainless steel, Writing Whiteboard, Tinplate, SuperDyma Steel, Printing color coating steel, etc.

Food Grade Tin Plate-Wanzhi Steel-low price


Galvanized Aluminum Magnesium Steel Coil ZAM Steel ZnAIMg Steel Coil

SuperDyma Steel
